Grief and Loss
When we experience a loss we feel lost ourselves. Whether you have experienced a recent loss or have experienced a loss long ago I would like to offer a space where it is safe to let go and feel the grief. The process of letting go of a loved one or of a dream can be a process that is longer and more circuited than we expect. I want to walk with you through your process and offer you a kind hand, a kind ear, a kind witness in the service of your healing.
Natural Stages of Grief:
*This model is extended slightly from the original Kubler-Ross model which does not include shock and testing. These stages, however, are useful to understand and to facilitate change.
Everyone grieves differently- there is no “right way” to grieve. However, it is healthy and helpful to give yourself the space to talk, feel, and connect with the innate process your mind and body must go through.
“You cannot heal what you do not first acknowledge.”